Sensorimotor-rhythm modulation feedback with 3D vector-base amplitude panning — A brain-computer interface pilot study

A sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) brain-computer interface (BCI) not reliant upon the visual modality for feedback is desirable. Feedback is imperative to learning in a closed loop system and in enabling BCI users in learning to module their sensorimotor EEG rhythm. This pilot study demonstrates the feasibility of replacing the traditional visual feedback modality with a novel method of presenting auditory feedback: 3D vector-base amplitude panning (VBAP). Auditory feedback not only releases the visual channel for other uses but also offers an alternative modality for the vision impaired. 3D VBAP is compared with auditory feedback presented monaurally and stereophonically. VBAP feedback is presented in the form of an auditory asteroid avoidance game. This pilot study included two participants who demonstrate well above chance level that sensorimotor modulation is possible using all three presentation methods with VBAP, mono and stereo performing from best to worst respectively. Although the results are confounded by the number of subjects and sessions involved, this pilot study demonstrates for the first time that 3D VBAP can be used for SMR feedback in BCI and that users find it more appealing than other auditory feedback approaches.

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