The Coalition for Networked Information's Acquisition-on-Demand Model: an Exploration and Critique

Scholarly communication is being revolutionized by widespread access to international, noncommercial computer networks, such as BITNET and Internet. I will call these interconnected networks, along with their commercial counterparts, the "Net." The Net has become an essential communication tool for librarians, scholars, and researchers. Recognizing these changes, the Coalition for Networked Information has sketched a new model for scholarly publication, which envisions electronic article files being stored on Net computers and being available upon demand. The acquisition-on-demand model raises many questions about how such an electronic service would function in detail. This paper will identify a number of possible dimensions of the model and provide some personal reactions to this expanded view of the model. It will focus on serials that are primarily published in electronic form on networks (these journals also may be published in microfiche, floppy disk, or another format for distribution to non-network users).