Longitudinal Analysis of Labor Market Data

Part I. Econometric studies: 1. Heterogeneity, omitted variable bias, and duration dependence Gary Chamberlain 2. Social science duration analysis James J. Heckman and Burton Singer 3. Interpreting empirical models of labor supply in an intertemporal framework with uncertainty Thomas E. MaCurdy 4. Alternative methods for evaluating the impact of interventions James J. Heckman and Richard Robb, Jr. Part II. Statistical studies: 5. Weighting, misclassification, and other issues in the analysis of survey samples of life histories Jan M. Hoerr 6. Statistical models for longitudinal labor market data based on counting processes Per Kragh Andersen 7. Assessing qualitative features of longitudinal data Haling Frydman and Burton Singer Part III. Sociometric studies: 8. Effects of labor market structure on job shift patterns Nancy Brandon Tuma 9.School enrollment, military enlistment, and the transition to work: implications for the age pattern of employment Robert D. Mare and Christopher Winship.