Superconductor Digital-RF Transceiver Components

Abstract : Superconductive technology offers unparalleled digital and mixed-signal circuit performance, advancing digital processing from baseband to RF stages. This allows elimination of analog filters and mixers with generally poorly controlled phase performance, causing intersymbol interference limiting an overall communication system performance. HYPRES has been developing superconducting circuit components for application to digital RF communication transceivers. The components include low-pass and band-pass analog-to-digital converters, digital decimation and correlation-based filters, digital up/down-converters, and low-time-jitter clock sources. All of these are based on ultra-fast Rapid Single Flux Quantum (RSFQ) digital circuits, with clock rates up to 20 GHz demonstrated with 3-micron technology, and being scaled to 40 GHz and above. In this paper, we will discuss design and performance of some of these components.