ORA data model

ORA (Oxford University Research Archive) is the University of Oxford's instiutional respository. ORA holds a large number of diverse research-related objects and their metadata, such as journal articles, patents, monographs, and technical reports. The ORA Data Model is a formal definition of the descriptive and administrative metadata of objects in the ORA system. It describes the metadata's structure, naming conventions, authority schemes, and basic validation criteria. The Data Model applies to metadata managed within many different internal systems. Within ORA, it applies to ORA's own Hyrax, Fedora, Solr and Blacklight systems. It is also the basis of ORA's SWORD2 and OAI-PMH API services, which interact with other providers and consumers of the repository's metadata (e.g. Symplectic Limited via the University of Oxford's implementation of Symplectic Elements). It is therefore technology and implementation agnostic. While it contains some fields that are specific to the University of Oxford, we hope that the majority of the Data Model will be relevant to similar repositories and institutions. We welcome feedback on the data model. We also intend to share information regarding our implementation of the model across our chosen platforms as these sets of work are completed. Correspondence address for questions or comments on the model should be sent to: ora@bodleian.ox.ac.uk