Energy Internet: Enablers and Building Blocks

This paper focuses on the management of the electricity grids using energy packets to build the Energy Internet via machine-type communications. We revisit some attempts to design a digital grid similar to the internet, including packetized management of specific loads (electric vehicles, air conditioners and water boilers) as a way to implement demand-side management. We discuss the viability of up-scaling this approach to manage energy inventories so that supply and demand always matches, given storage capabilities, loads with priority and usage flexibility. We argue that the Energy Internet can be now built due to the advances in micro-grid technologies and machine-type communications that allow for applications with ultra-reliable, low-latency and massive connectivity. We discuss some challenges involved in its deployment. This covers not only technical but also other issues, pointing out possible new elements in the system, namely communication micro-operator, P2P aggregator and energy community.

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