Flexible plug and play low carbon networks: quadrature booster trial at 33 KV
The 'Flexible Plug and Play Low Carbon Networks' (FPP) project aims to facilitate faster and cheaper connections of renewable generation onto the distribution network, by using innovative technical and commercial solutions. A Quadrature Booster is one of the smart devices to be trialled and will be installed at UK Power Network's 33 kV substation located within the Wissington British Sugar plc (BSP) site in Norfolk. The FPP will trial the first Quadrature Booster on distribution networks to effectively demonstrate the smart approach to network management. This paper outlines how the FPP project will adapt the already mature Quadrature Booster technology at transmission networks, to innovatively deploy the first Quadrature Booster at distribution voltage using the Wissington 33 kV trial case. The paper discusses (1) the identified network problem, (2) available options to address the problem, (3) how the problem is being addressed, and (4) the benefits accrued from delivering the Quadrature Booster solution. (4 pages)