In Search of Software History

Collection: Collect materials, oral histories, and written recollections using paper, audio, video, and electronic media. Organize meetings with founders, historians, and other contributing participants to build a substantial information base. Participate in special information collecting projects using the Internet and othermeans for gathering information. Preservation: Donate the collected materials, oral histories and written recollections to the Charles Babbage Institute (CBI) or the Computer History Museum (CHM) archives for preservation; they agreed to analyze and index these materials and make them available to scholars, researchers, and other interested people for examination and use. Communication: Work with CHM and CBI to ensure that all of the collected information is readily accessible both on a local and remote basis for historians, researchers, students, and the interested public. Work with the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing to publish special issues and promote and arrange for additional industry articles to be published in the Annals. Work with historians to use our resource information in preparing their books and articles. Create a website ( to record all the materials collected and linkages to where they are located.