Glomerular Podocytes Express Protocadherin 17

Summary. During a search for cadherin-relatedmolecules expressed in rat glomeruli by RT-PCRwithdegenerate primers, we have isolated CDNAencodingprotocadherin 17 (PcdhlT) in addition to Fatl.Although Pcdhl? has been suggested to participatein cell-cell adhesion and cell sorting, little is knownabout its distribution and function. To elucidate thelocalization and expression of Pcdhl?, ribonucleaseprotection assay and in situ hybridization wereperformed in the rat. Pcdhl7 expression was detecteddistinctly in RNAs from the cerebrum, cerebellum,lung, but spleen but weakly in RNAs from the wholekidney. In the kidney, intense signals for Pcdhl?were found in glomerular RNAs, with only or weaksignals at best in cortical and medullary RNAs.In situhybridization showed that Pc*//f7 7 was predominantlyexpressed by podocytes in the glomerulus. Pcdhl?were found to have two isoforms that differ in thelength of the cytoplasmic domains. The expressionlevel of both isoforms did not change in puromycinaminonucleoside nephrosis where slit diaphragmsdisappear and new junctional complexes are newlyformed. In conclusion, Pcdhl? is expressed bypodocytes, which may be involved in several types oftheir intercellular junctions.Key words-cadherin; kidney; glomerular epithelialcell; podocyte; protocadherin 17.

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