A New Non Linear Model Based Encryption Mechanism with Time Stamp and Acknowledgement Support

In this work a non linear model is going to be used which develops data distributed over an identified value which is used as nonce (IV). The key to be considered in the model is a combination of three values K, p & Cp which vary with the data developed. Thus by properly considering a combination of key values which are non linear in nature, data is derived from the developed model. This set of values is considered as a sub key for one round. A time stamp is considered which identifies the number of rounds of the given model. The process is repeated for different time stamp rounds in the encryption mechanism. Thus the model involves an identified value which is used as nonce (IV), a considered non linear set of values which are used as key and different timings as time stamp rounds which are very important parameters in symmetric data encryption schemes. This Model supports not only security but also timeliness of encryption mechanism and also acknowledgement support between the participating parties.