Impact Performance of the G4(1W) and G4(2W) Guardrail Systems: Comparison Under NCHRP Report 350 Test 3-11 Conditions

Several types of strong-post W-beam guardrails are used in the United States. Usually the only difference between one type of strong-post W-beam guardrail and another is the choice of post and block-out types. The impact performance of two very similar strong-post W-beam guardrails are compared—the G4(2W), which uses a 150×200 mm wood post and the G4(1W), which uses a 200×200 mm wood post. Although G4(2W) is used in numerous states, G4(1W) is now common only in the state of Iowa. The performance of the two guardrails has been presumed equal, but only one full-scale crash test has been performed on G4(1W) and that was over 30 years ago, using a now-obsolete test vehicle. The nonlinear finite element analysis program LS-DYNA was used to evaluate the crashworthiness of the two guardrails. The G4(2W) guardrail model was validated with the results of a full-scale crash test. A model of the G4(1W) guardrail system was developed, and the deflection, vehicle redirection, and occupant risk factors of the two guardrails were compared. The impact performance of the two guardrails was quantitatively compared using standard techniques. The analysis results indicate similar collision performance for G4(1W) and G4(2W) and show that both satisfy NCHRP Report 350 Test 3-11 safety performance requirements.