Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Center, the Bet to Surpass the Valley of Death between University and Company

The present times are changing and need new formulas that satisfy the need for effective transfer between universities and companies. In the Basque Country, attending to this demand the Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Center (CFAA) has been founded. This center belongs to the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and has several companies related to this strategic sector as partners. The CFAA, equipped with the latest machinery and technology, born to be a catalyst for research activity in the field of advanced manufacturing for aeronautical sector, focusing its activity on the called Pillar 2 of the MRL scale (Manufacturing Readiness Level) as the proximity to the final application. Belonging to the UPV/EHU, this center allows stays of doctoral students, students for performing their master and bachelor’s degree projects. This implies a high quality training, and closer to reality, in manufacturing technologies.