Roadmap for innovative operation of the transport system

The objective of VTT’s Innovation programme for Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (INTRANS) is to promote transport safety, efficiency and environmental friendliness by exploiting new innovative services and technology. The objective of this study was to create a foresight plan and roadmap for innovative operation of the transport system 10–20 years into the future, enabling the most promising services to be selected for development. The services chosen should provide new possibilities for export and domestic business for Finnish companies while providing distinct added value to transport system operators. The work was based on Ventä’s roadmap method and two expert workshops with representatives from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Finnish Transport Agency, the Finnish Transport Safety Agency, the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Southeast Finland, the City of Tampere and VTT. The vision “Proactive operation ensures that the transport system works as a whole in the most efficient, safe and environmentally friendly way and fulfils the user’s expectations under all circumstances” was created within the project. In the vision, operation affects the travel mode distribution and prerequisites of mobility and thus the demand for traffic. Within the work the present state was described and future trends were worked out. The challenges and solutions of transport system operation were listed. As a result, lists of action for the different parties in charge were created for the years 2012–2013, 2014–2020 and 2021–2030 in order to reach the vision.