Improving End-user Security and Trustworthiness of TCG Platforms

Over the last two years, the computing industry has started various initiatives to increase computer security be means of new hardware. The most notable eort is the Trusted Computing Group (TCG, former TCPA), which unites most important companies to develop a standard for security hardware. While eorts towards more security are generally appreciated, the new technology has raised fears that the user will lose control over his platform, and that its extensive use would harm competition in several areas of IT technology. In this paper, technical modications to the TCPA Specication (based on version 1.1b) are suggested. If implemented, these suggestions would eliminate the potential to abuse the technology against the users. To the best of our knowledge, none of the intended use cases of the TCG would be aected. The proposals will be discussed with TCG Members on the GI annual conference 2003 in Frankfurt and then ocially presented to the TCG.