CO2 capture in coal-based IGCC power plants
Publisher Summary This chapter explores one of the most promising technologies for capture of CO2 from power generation plants based on fossil fuels is integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC). This chapter summarizes the results of a study carried out by foster wheeler for the IEA greenhouse gas R&D program (IEA GHG). The study assesses the performance and costs of coal based IGCC with and without CO2 capture, based on current technology, and the potential for improvements between now and 2020. The sensitivities to a variety of potentially significant parameters are assessed, to determine the way forward for IGCC with CO2 capture, including the type of gasifier, the gasifier operating pressure, the type of CO-shift converter and co-separation of H2S and CO2. The main alternatives are described and compared. It also considers potential future technologies and possible improvements to current technologies in order to assess the likely performance of a plant in the year 2020.
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