Inhabiting Çatalhöyuk: Reports from the 1995-99 seasons

Peopling Catalhoyuk and its Landscape (Ian Hodder) Part A: Site-Environment Relations Catalhoyuk mammal remains (Nerissa Russell and Louise Martin) Catalhoyuk bird bones (Nerissa Russell and Kevin J McGowan) Catalhoyuk microfauna: Preliminary results and interpretations (Emma Jenkins) The eggshell from Catalhoyuk: A pilot study (Jane Sidell and Claire Scudder) The Catalhoyuk shells (David S Reece) Macrobotanical investigation: Field methods and laboratory analysis procedures (Christine Hastorf) Macrobotanical investigation of the north, south and KOPAL area excavations at Catalhoyuk east (Andrew Fairbairn et al) Phytolith indicators of plant and land use at Catalhoyuk (Arlene M Rosen) Woodland vegetation and the exploitation of fuel and timber at neolithic Catalhoyuk: Report on the wood-charcoal macro-remains (Eleni Asouti) Part B: Human Lifeways The human burials at Catalhoyuk (Peter Andrews et al) Reconstruction of the neolithic people of Catalhoyuk (Theya Molleson et al) Social aspects of Burial (Naomi Hamilton) Pilot project: Catalhoyuk ancient DNA study (Ripan S Malhi et al) Stable-isotope evidence of diet at Catalhoyuk (Michael P Richards and Jessica A Pearson) Estimating the neolithic population of Catalhoyuk (Craig Cressford) Part C: The Settlement and its Sediments Settlement logic studies as an aid to understanding prehistoric settlement organization: Ethnoarchaeological research in central Anatolia (E Nurcan Yalman) Magnetic, radar and resistivity studies at Catalhoyuk (Clark A Dobbs and Donald W Johnson) Micromorphological and microstratigraphic traces of uses and concepts of space (Wendy Matthews) Chemical analysis of floor sediments for the identification of anthropogenic activity residues (William D Middleton et al) Phosphorus analysis of sediments from neolithic Catalhoyuk (Ali Akin Akyol and Sahinde Demirci) Biomarker evidence of faecal deposition in archaeological sediments at Catalhoyuk (Ian D Bull et al) CD: Supplementary text, figures and tables.