Framework and Tools for Rapid M&S Component Development and Reusability

ABSTRACTModeling and simulation technology is being used in various fields. Especially in the field of military, Simulation-Based Acquisition (SBA) is recognized as a essential policy. To effectively carry out SBA, modeling and simulation techniques should be applied in the whole life-cycle for the weapon system development, and the framework and tools which can help the rapid component development and reusability are needed. In this research, we use the simulation framework based on modeling formalism for enhancement of reusability and a GUI-based modeling environment for rapid M&S component development. The Proposed framework can act as plug-in components on the basis of XML-based object model, so that the flexible design is possible for the change of the model and simulation structure. In addition, our methods are effective to implement the functions for supporting simulation such as the model data logging and communication with external systems. In this paper, we describe an architecture and functions for the framework and tools.