Burr formation characteristics of various engineering materials in micro milling

This paper presents the burr formation characteristics of workpieces when milled using cutting tool of different sizes. Observation was performed to identify the type of burr which occurred when milling different-commonly used engineering materials for die and mold making industry. By varying the depth of cut, the effect on burr size formed on different material was observed. The similar effect due to the transition of cutting tool size from macro to micro was also considered. Generally, burr size was found to be increased as the depth of cut increases and the burrs due to large diameter cutting tool are found to be much larger in size compared to the burrs created using smaller diameter cutting tool. It was also observed that for very small depth of cut, the burr is not formed by shearing, but it is actually the effect of the cut-material being pushed to the top. For this condition, an increase in burr size was noticed and this phenomena contrasts when compared with normal macro milling condition. It was also observed that burr size for ductile material is larger than less ductile ones.