Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977-1984
Foreward Introduction: Foucault and the politics of Experience Lawrence D. Kritzman 1. The Minimalist Self 2. Critical Theory/Intellectual History 3. An aesthetics of Existence 4. Politics and Reason 5. The Art of Telling the Truth 6. On Power 7. Power and Sex 8. The Dangerous Individual 9. Practicing Criticism 10. Social Security 11. Confinement, Psychiatry, Prison 12. Iran: The Spirit of a World Without Spirit 13. The Battle for Chastity 14. The Return of Morality 15. The Concern for Truth 16. Sexual Morality and the Law 17. Sexual Choice, Sexual Act: Foucault and Homosexuality 18. The Functions of Literature 19. Contemporary Music and Its Public 20. The Masked Philosopher