Target separation in SAR image with the MUSIC algorithm

The aim of this work is to exploit the MUSIC algorithm performance in order to enhance target separability in range and azimuth, i.e. achieve point targets separation inside a resolution cell. Simulations have been done in order to plan and check the feasibility of a super-resolution experiment that took place in September 2006 on the test site of Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany). The data set has been acquired with the E-SAR system of the DLR in X-band. The targets to be separated were seven small corner reflectors that have been placed in a way that their response falls in one or, at maximum, two resolution cells of the standard Fourier SAR image. A post-processing implementation of the MUSIC algorithm has been proposed allowing, in the already focused SAR image, to retrieve the targets geometry. Conditions and analysis of the results have been carried out.