The current role of abdominal ultrasound in the clinical management of patients with AIDS.

Patients with AIDS present a wide variety of clinical manifestations through involvement of various organs. Ultrasonography (US) is easy to perform, safe, inexpensive, not invasive and repeatable. Those features are crucial for AIDS patients, who in industrialised countries are now mostly seen on an outpatient basis thanks to the introduction of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. US can investigate most of the organs affected in AIDS and can guide biopsies, allowing the cyto-histological and microbiological investigations needed for a definitive diagnosis. This paper reviews the wide variety of applications of abdominal US and stresses its importance in the management of a complex and changing condition, particularly in settings where other more expensive imaging techniques are not--and will not be for a long time--available. The increasing use of portable/hand-carried scanners further adds to the value of the technique in such settings. With new treatments, prevalence and morbidity/mortality rates change, but new conditions and new side effects appear. US applications to these new conditions are discussed as well.