Achieving plant responsiveness from reconfigurable technology: Intervening role of SCM

Abstract The aim of this paper is to examine relationships between the following production programs that lead to the greater plant responsiveness-PR necessary for market needs: strategic reconfigurable system-SRS (reconfigurable technology-RT supported by manufacturing strategy-MS and technology management-TM), with the emphasis on SCM's intervening role. The research model relating the programs to support and enhance PR is tested using the High-Performance Manufacturing survey database of 330 plants (3 sectors, 16 countries) and CB-SEM with latent variables. First, RT, MS and TM together form SRS, with a significant impact on PR. Second, when theorizing for mediation processes, SCM intervenes the relationship between the SRS program and PR. Third, the intervening role of SCM is also confirmed by testing for mediation processes. Fourth, environmental complexity interacts with the SRS program in its relationship with SCM. Research implications are twofold: (1) more responsive plants need a more holistic view in which SCM must be deployed in conjunction with SRS; and (2) SCM supports the execution of SRS by playing a key role in improving PR, even when contextual factors are present. Applied implications are that plants can achieve greater responsiveness if they match their production resources around RT through SRS programs. Further, due to SCM's intervening role, SC practitioners should link SCM dimensions to SRS to improve PR. The originality of this paper is that a fuller SRS is defined and its impact on PR is empirically tested. In addition, SCM fit logic is developed theoretically with empirical evidence of its intervention in the relationship between SRS and PR.

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