Results of a monitoring pilot with a permanent buried multicomponent seismic array at Ketzin

To monitor the migration of the injected CO2 in the Ketzin project (Germany) a permanently buried multi-component seismic array has been installed in August 2009. Since then the array has been continuously recording passive seismic data. Additionally an active seismic survey resulting in a 230 m long 2D seismic line roughly passing over the monitoring well Ktzi 202/2007 has been acquired in November 2009. This relatively small set-up is meant as a pre-screening study to demonstrate the added value of the buried sensors before installing a larger 3D array. A first analysis of the active seismic data shows, that the use of an array of buried receivers results in (time-lapse) seismic data that offer a superior S/N ratio suppressing both ambient noise and surface related coherent noise. This setup is expected to lead to an increased repeatability. This paper describes the experimental set-up and first results of the acquired baseline data using the buried sensors. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.