The exploration area in the Croatian part of the Pannonian basin covers 30,000m2. Approximately 950 exploration wells werw drilled there, 30,650 km of seismic sections were shot, and some 2,200 km2 of 3D seismic. Until 1999, the complete Croatian production of hydrocarbons came from this area-from 49 oil and gas fields a cumulative of 160 million m3 of OE werw produced (till 31st Dec. 2001). HC production is in decline in the last decade, with stagnation in reserve replacement. The remaining reserves are presently reduced to a little over 7 million m3 of oil, and 31 billion m3 of gas. Apart from application of new techologies, the best solution for continuation and stabilization of exploration and production is seen in emplacement of EOR methods, especially in CO2 flooding of oil reservoirs. The sediments of the Neogene system are divided into three depositional megacycles of the 3rd order, composed of sequences of well- defined lothological units that are of the status of formations. The first, oldest megacycle with various and heterogeneous lithological composition is of Early Miocene and Middle Miocene age. Fine-grained clastic source rocks are contained therein together with a number of the largest HC pools, like Benicanci and Molve. The second depositional megacycle (Late Miocene) is characterized by a monotonous sandstone-marl sequence with all transitional lithologies. Numerous sandstone reservoirs are found in this unit - the largest are at the Stružec, Žutica, Ivanic-Grad and Klostar Ivanic fields. The third megacycle is of Pliocene-Quaternary age, and is composed of sand, clay, and gravel with some lignite/peat sporadically. This unit is of subordinate petroleum-geological importance at present. When the volumes of sediments delimited by stratigraphyc markers are compared with the number of wells that penetrated these horizons, it comes out that some units are not as explored as would have originally appeared. This is especially true for the 1st megacycle. possible future exploration objects are cross-bedded Middle Miocene biocalcarenites and lateral equivalents of basinal coarse clastics-breccias but located on the margins of structural depressions (formed there by destruction of Triassic dolomite-limestone sediments of Slavonian Mts. and their neighbouringregions in the Drava and Sava depression) as well as the Neogene clastic sediments located underneath older overthrusted rocks.