Four operator workload (OWL) scales were retrospectively applied to crewmembers of a mobile air defense missile system, LOS-F(H), following a candidate-selection field evaluation: NASA TLX, SWAT, Overall Workload (OW), and the Modified Cooper-Harper (MCH). Jackknife factor analysis revealed the presence of only a single factor (explaining 79.6% of the total variation) and indicated a significant (p<.0075) ordering of the mean factor loadings: TLX (.935) and OW (.927) were significantly greater than MCH (.862) and SWAT(.860). Comparison with an earlier field test of a remotely piloted vehicle revealed a significant (p<.00005) interaction of test and ordering of the OWL scales, but TLX and MCH consistently had the respectively highest and lowest loadings across the two field tests. Multiple correlation also revealed a significant (p < .0001) relationship, R = 0.66, between system performance and TLX. These findings and lessons learned are discussed in the context of the development and validation of a methodology for assessing OWL.
John G. Casali,et al.
A Validated Rating Scale for Global Mental Workload Measurement Applications
S. Hart,et al.
Development of NASA-TLX (Task Load Index): Results of Empirical and Theoretical Research
Susan G. Hill,et al.
Workload Assessment of a Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV) System
Pamela S. Tsang,et al.
Absolute Magnitude Estimation and Relative Judgement Approaches to Subjective Workload Assessment
F. Thomas Eggemeier,et al.
Application of Conjoint Measurement to Workload Scale Development