Biotin serves as a covalently bound coenzyme fbr various carboxylases in mammals . De且ciency ofthis vitamin leads to a variety of clinical abnorrnalities that include neurological diserders and dermatological abnormalities , It has been thought that human biotin deficiency is extremely rare since biotin is present in various fbods. However , it has been reported that marginal biotin deficiency develops during normal human gestation and that biotin deficiency is teratogenic in several animal species . It has also been reported that the possibility of biotin de丘ciency is increased in infants who were fed a special formula for the treatment of allergies . These 且ndings indicate that it is sti且l needed to evaluate the biotin status of human subjects . This review provides the recent advances in methods fbr the assessment ofthe biotin status. KeJ / words :biotin, deficiency, biotin assay , biomarker, assessment ofbiotin status
Toshiaki Watanabe,et al.
Effects of biotin deficiency on embryonic development in mice.
Toshiaki Watanabe,et al.
Measurement of 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid in urine of biotin-deficient infants and mice by HPLC.
The Journal of nutrition.
D. Mock,et al.
Smoking accelerates biotin catabolism in women.
The American journal of clinical nutrition.
D. Mock,et al.
Indicators of marginal biotin deficiency and repletion in humans: validation of 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid excretion and a leucine challenge.
The American journal of clinical nutrition.