We consider the ensemble of $n \times n$ Wigner hermitian matrices
$H = (h_{\ell k})_{1 \leq \ell,k \leq n}$ that generalize the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE). The matrix elements $h_{k\ell} = \bar h_{\ell k}$ are given by $h_{\ell k} = n^{-1/2} (x_{\ell k} + \sqrt{-1} y_{\ell k})$, where $x_{\ell k}, y_{\ell k}$ for $1 \leq \ell < k \leq n$ are i.i.d. random variables with mean zero and variance 1/2, $y_{\ell\ell}=0$ and $x_{\ell \ell}$ have mean zero and variance 1. We assume the distribution of $x_{\ell k}, y_{\ell k}$ to have subexponential decay. In a recent paper, four of the authors recently established that the gap distribution and averaged $k$-point correlation of these matrices were \emph{universal} (and in particular, agreed with those for GUE) assuming additional regularity hypotheses on the $x_{\ell k}, y_{\ell k}$. In another recent paper, the other two authors, using a different method, established the same conclusion assuming instead some moment and support conditions on the $x_{\ell k}, y_{\ell k}$. In this short note we observe that the arguments of these two papers can be combined to establish universality of the gap distribution and averaged $k$-point correlations for all Wigner matrices (with subexponentially decaying entries), with no extra assumptions.
L. Pastur.
On the spectrum of random matrices
P. Deift.
Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices: A Riemann-Hilbert Approach
S. Péché,et al.
Bulk universality for Wigner matrices
H. Yau,et al.
Wegner estimate and level repulsion for Wigner random matrices
K. Johansson.
Universality of the Local Spacing Distribution¶in Certain Ensembles of Hermitian Wigner Matrices