z-Scores and other scores in chemical proficiency testing-their meanings, and some common misconceptions.
z-Scores were devised to provide a transparent but widely-applicable scoring system for participants in proficiency tests for analytical laboratories. The essential idea is to provide an appropriate scaling of the difference between a participant’s result and the ‘assigned value’ for the concentration of the analyte. Interpretation of a z-score is straightforward but some aspects need careful attention to avoid misconception. Over time several related scores have been devised to cope with a diversified range of applications. The main types of score have recently been codified in ISO 13528 (2015).
[1] Michael Thompson,et al. The International Harmonized Protocol for the proficiency testing of analytical chemistry laboratories (IUPAC Technical Report) , 2006 .
[2] M. Thompson,et al. The international harmonized protocol for the proficiency testing of (chemical) analytical laboratories (Technical Report) , 1993 .