Validation of Workplace Competencies Sufficient to Measure ABET Outcomes
Taking the unique approach of addressing ABET criteria (a-k) as workplace competencies, Iowa State University College of Engineering partnered with Development Dimensions International (DDI), a global provider of competency-based performance management tools and services, to develop the processes and products to support this approach. Using "critical incident" based data gathering, the College and DDI brought together approximately one hundred constituents, representing ISU faculty, partnering international faculty, co-op and intern students, employers, parents and alumni to provide input to the design of the measurements of ABET (a-k). From the analysis of the “critical incidents” fourteen unique competencies, that are necessary and sufficient to measure ABET Outcomes (a-k) were identified. Each competency was clearly defined, independent of all the others. The fourteen competencies were then mapped to ABET (a-k). For each competency an independent set of observable and measurable key actions, which students may take to demonstrate their development, were defined. An appropriate measurement approach was identified for the key actions. Validation of the development process by the contributing constituents is presented in this paper. Also, curricular implementation is discussed.