Lessons from Nanoelectronics: A New Perspective on Transport

The Bottom-Up Approach Introductory Concepts: Why Electrons Flow The Elastic Resistor The New Ohm's Law Where is the Resistance? Transverse Modes Drude Formula Kubo Formula How Realistic is an Elastic Resistor? Semiclassical & Quantum Transport: The Nanotransistor Semiclassical Transport and the SCF Method Resistance and Uncertainty Quantum Transport: Schrodinger to NEGF Resonant Tunneling and Anderson Localization Coulomb Blockade and Mott Transition Spin Blockade Hall Effect / QHE Beyond Voltages and Currents: Thermoelectricity Heat Flow Spin Flow Spin Transistor Entropy Flow And Maxwell's Demon Epilogue: Physics in a Grain of Sand Solutions to Exercises Additional Problems.