On the potential of using SiGe HBTs on SOI to support emerging applications up to 300°C

For the first time, the high temperature (to 300°C) DC and AC performance of a > 100 GHz f<sub>T</sub>/f<sub>max</sub> SiGe HBTs on thick-film SOI are investigated for their potential use in emerging energy sector, automotive, and aerospace applications. Metrics such as current gain (β<sub>F</sub>), BV<sub>CEO</sub>, M-1, f<sub>T</sub>, f<sub>max</sub> are extracted from 24°C to 300°C and compared with a bulk SiGe HBT platform. The results demonstrate that while there are degradation to key device metrics at high temperatures, the devices are still usable over a wide temperature range. Additionally, while SOI is known for its high thermal resistance, it is demonstrated that the device is constrained by electrical effects rather than thermal effects at higher temperatures, which should therefore yield acceptable reliability.