Cognitive Systems Dependent on Their Own Decisional Equilibrium
The study belongs to a seria of studies that also comprise: The Decisional (Meta) Equilibrium and the Sociocybernetics of the Operative Actions, "Sociological Abstracts", July 1998, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, p.53; brochure of the Social Systems and Sociocybernetics Research Committee, International Sociological Association – XIV World Congress, July 26- August 1, 1998, Montreal, p.73 Decisional Equilibrium/Knowledge Completeness - into a Necessary Relation in the Cybernetics of the Operative Actions, “Knowledge Transfer” (volume II), edited by A. Behrooz, pace, London, 1997, pp.8-14 Electronic copy available at: The study was presented during the "Fourteenth International Congress on Cybernetics", Namur, Belgium, 1995 - within the proposed/chaired Symposium VII ("The Cybernetics of the Operative Actions ..." / 8 communications) by Nicolae Bulz. The study is the result of a long term original research [which includes Nicolae Bulz's PhD thesis entitled "Analysis and Synthesis of Decisional Operative Sub_systems" thesis addressing Ph.D. engineer specialization: Automatic Systems/human-machine interface domain // models#neural networks] and is the first enlarged study published into the Western area by the author (a native Eastern European - from Romania; the travel to Namur, Belgium was the author's first visit into an outside Eastern European area - it was possible on the 1989 falling of the Iron Curtain. The study introduces the original concepts: Operative Problem, Operative Team, Versatility within an Operative Team, Stepped Solvation of an Operative Problem, an original measure on the quantity of information: the number of equivalent states (N eq), Mixed System, Decisional Equilibrium within a Mixed System, and the "inner constructs" within seven original figures (alongside the study).