Parallel architectures for binary image algebra
Image processing afid image analysis tasks have large (lata processing requirements and inherent parallelism. Because they involve a large amount of data, their operations can he extremely complex. During the past few years, numerous papers lave used an algebraic approach to aid in image processing [Serra82, Lotigheed8o, JUL Lcr87, Ciardina8i, Agui82, lluang87aJ. A simple algebraic system for expressing parallel image transformations would be very helpful for people to learn the art of parallel image processing, to compare different algorithms and architectures, arid to design a special-purpose image processor. Iii this paper, we use a binary image algebra (}31A) [ llnang89a, iluang9OJ, an axiomatic algebraic structure, to serve as a standar(l mathematical structure for the processing of binary images. Some parallel binary image processing architures can then be derived and compared. Section 2 reviews BEA and discusses the requirements for implementing A. Section 3 (liscusses three kinds of parallel architectures for f3JA: near-neighbor array architectures, hypercube architectures, and pipeline architectures. Section 4 discusses their implementation techniques. Section 5 gives a conclusion.
[1] B K Jenkins,et al. Image algebra representation of parallel optical binary arithmetic. , 1989, Applied optics.