Significance of Web 0.0-4.0, Semantic Web, Cloud Computing and Drupal in Concomitant to Library/ Information/ Knowledge Centres Management

This article is an attempt to facilitate library professionals to comprehend some of the challenges in relation to Web 0.0 to web 4.0 including prognosis of web, social web approaches and content management tools for managing electronic / hybrid libraries. This paper highlights how these challenges are moving in libraries / information centres in the approaching years, and prompt library professionals need to consider seriously about how to comprehend with these challenges. The paper begins with more intelligent web and prognosis of web. It analyses LIS professional's views about web 2.0, potential usage of web 2.0 in libraries, effect of web 2.0 applications on traditional libraries. The paper highlights shifting trends in LIC, KRC, IT Management and its significance in cloud computing. The paper briefly summarizes the Infrastructure Management Services: Cloud computing and interfacing open source content management software Drupal. This paper concludes with a review of positive and negative outcomes from this approach and makes references regards to responsibility of Knowledge Centre Manager.