A comprehensive guide to the hazardous properties of chemical substances

PART A Glossary Physical Properties of Compounds and Hazardous Characteristics Toxic Properties of Chemical Substances Target Organs and Toxicology Cancer-Causing Chemicals Teratogenic Substances Habit-Forming Addictive Substances Flammable and Combustible Properties of Chemical Substances Explosive Characteristics of Chemical Substances Peroxide-Forming Substances PART B Acids, Carboxylic Acids, Mineral Acids, Peroxy Alcohols Aldehydes Alkalies Alkaloids Amines, Aliphatic Amines, Aromatic Asbestos Azo Dyes Chlorohydrins Cyanides, Organic (Nitriles) Cyanides, Inorganic Dioxin and Related Compounds Epoxy Compounds Esters Ethers Gases, Common Toxic and Flammable Glycol Ethers Haloethers Halogenated Hydrocarbons Halogens, Halogen Oxides, and Interhalogen Compounds Heterocyclic Compounds Hydrocarbons, Aliphatic and Alicyclic Hydrocarbons, Aromatic Industrial Solvents Isocyanates, Organic Ketones Metal Acetylides and Fulminates Metal Alkoxides Metal Alkyls Metal Azides Metal Carbonyls Metal Hydrides Metals, Reactive Metal, Toxic Mustard Gas and Sulfur Mustards Nerve Gases Nitro Explosives Oxidizers Particulates Peroxides, Organic Pesticides and Herbicides: Classification, Structure, and Analysis Pesticides, Carbamate Pesticides, Organochlorine Pesticides, Organophosphorus Herbicides, Chlorophenoxy Acid Herbicides, Triazine Herbicides, Urea Phenols Phosphorus and Its Compounds Polychlorinated Biphenyls Radon and Radioactive Substances Sulfate Esters Sulfur-Containing Organics (Miscellaneous) Miscellaneous Substances Appendices Indexes.