Coal: Typology - Physics - Chemistry - Constitution

Part 1 Coal Typology: Coal as an economic good Coal as fuel and raw material Coal as an organic sediment Coal as a rock Coal as a biological debris Coal as an evolving organic chemical complex Coal as a solid colloid Coal as an enigma in solid state physics Coal as an object of classical chemical analysis Coal as an object of physical analysis. Part 2 Coal Physics: Physical properties and the additivity concept Volumetric properties Optical properties Electrical properties Magnetic properties Mechanical properties Cohesive and interfacial energy properties Thermal properties. Part 3 Coal Chemistry: The action of solvents on coal The action of oxidizing agents on coal Action of air and molecular oxygen on coal The action of hydrogen on coal The action of heat on coals The "grand processes" of coal utilization. Part 4 Coal Constitution: The chemical and physical nature of coals Coal analogues Coalification revisited Coal research. Part 5 Compendium.