Patch dynamics and the development of structural and spatial heterogeneity in Pacific Northwest forests

Over time, chronic small-scale disturbances within forests should create distinct stand structures and spatial pat- terns. We tested this hypothesis by measuring the structure and spatial arrangement of gaps and canopy patches. We used airborne LiDAR data from 100 sites (cumulative 11.2 km 2 ) in the Pacific Northwest, USA, across a 643 year chronose- quence to measure canopy structure, patch and gap diversity, and scales of variance. We used airborne LiDAR's ability to identify strata in canopy surface height to distinguish patch spatial structures as homogeneous canopy structure, matrix- patch structures, or patch mosaics. We identified six distinct stand structure classes that were associated with the canopy closure, competitive exclusion, maturation, and three patch mosaics stages of late seral forest development. Structural var- iance peaked in all classes at the tree-to-tree and tree-to-gap scales (10-15 m), but many sites maintained high variance at scales >30 m and up to 200 m, emphasizing the high patch-to-patch heterogeneity. The time required to develop complex patch and gap structures was highly variable and was likely linked to individual site circumstances. The high variance at larger scales appears to be an emergent property that is not a simple propagation of processes observed at smaller spatial scales.

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