주거단지 설계지침에 나타난 지역성 적용특성에 관한 연구 - 대구광역시 '봉무동 타운하우스'를 중심으로 -

Regional Characteristics are an important element of making urban communities for housing complex plan. this study is to analysis to relationship between design guidelines and regional characteristics focused on 'Bongmu-Dong Town House'. The analysis result is as following : An object of this study has 64%elements of guideline and elements of guideline are a lot presented in housing complex plan of five plan direction. Regional Characteristics are much reflected in plan of housing complex of five plan directions. Regional Characteristic is much reflected in design guideline for 'Bongmu-Dong Town House' is work connection(40.5%). we can know that reflect actively image uplift of region. but residents are apt to have the different quality because it isnt held a conference with residents. so requirement having residents must be reflected in the plan. This study is going and is becoming data of making integrated housing complex. and a relationship between housing and Regional Characteristics must be analysis that is being became a effective model in a housing complex plan.