Simulator for testing algorithms for estimation of parameters of power system

In the paper, realized simulator for testing parameters estimation of the power system was described. Simulator allows definition of the test conditions like amplitude and phase, activity of decreasing direct component, variation of number of samples, variation of harmonic components, and change of frequency of the basic harmonic. The test criterion takes the error of the estimated value in relation to the default value and then time of convergence of the estimated value. As an illustration of algorithm functioning, the time format of the input signal and the timing response of the estimated amplitude and phase of signals are shown. In the simulator, algorithms for amplitude and phase estimation are implemented. For amplitude estimation, algorithms that were implemented: algorithm based on the Fourier bandwidth filter and algorithm based on the least squares method. For phase estimation, algorithms that were implemented: zero crossing algorithm and algorithm based on the Fourier bandwidth filter. All of the implemented algorithms are described and given with their mathematical models. Simulator was made in Matlab and can be expanded with addition of the noise, implementation of other algorithms, development and testing of new algorithms. For the demonstration of the usability of the simulator, results that were obtained by testing are shown.