How does the brain combine local motion measurements to form an accurate description of object motion? For example, if a vertically oriented bar moves upward and rightward at a constant velocity, a neuron with a small receptive field positioned along the length of the contour can measure only the rightward component of motion, since the upward component provides no time-varying information within its receptive field. In contrast, cells positioned at the endpoints of the contour can measure motion direction accurately. Because direction-selective neurons early in the visual pathways have small receptive fields, the visual system is constantly faced with this “aperture problem.”1 And since they provide the sole input to subsequent stages of cortical visual processing, which in turn inform the premotor circuitry used for making eye movements, the error in measuring local velocity could be perpetuated. How are these conflicting motion signals—the potentially erroneous signals measured along a contour and the correct signals originating from terminators—ultimately resolved in the visual cortex? Microelectrode recordings from neurons in the middle temporal visual area (MT) of alert monkeys have shown that the earliest directional responses, beginning about 80 msec after the onset of stimulus motion, primarily encode the component of motion perpendicular to the orientation of a contour. That is, they are strongly affected by the ambiguous contour signals. However, the later responses (>140 msec after motion onset) encode the true direction of motion, irrespective of contour orientation. Thus the responses of MT neurons reflect the solution of the aperture problem for motion over a period of about 60 msec.2 Given the evidence that MT neuronal signals are important for the initiation of smooth pursuit eye movements,3–5 we asked whether the time-evolving signals we observed in MT neurons had a behavioral correlate. We had subjects (monkeys and humans) track the center of a single moving bar whose orientation was varied with respect to its direction of motion. The bar was dim green (4.2 cd · m−2; u′ = 0.28, v′ = 0.59), and its center was indicated by an isoluminant, red gaussian blob
W T Newsome,et al.
How Is a Sensory Map Read Out? Effects of Microstimulation in Visual Area MT on Saccades and Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements
The Journal of Neuroscience.
E. J. Morris,et al.
Visual motion processing and sensory-motor integration for smooth pursuit eye movements.
Annual review of neuroscience.
D. Whitteridge,et al.
The representation of the visual field on the cerebral cortex in monkeys
The Journal of physiology.
E. Castet,et al.
Temporal dynamics of motion integration for the initiation of tracking eye movements at ultra-short latencies
Visual Neuroscience.
R. Born,et al.
Segregation of Object and Background Motion in Visual Area MT Effects of Microstimulation on Eye Movements
S. Lisberger,et al.
Properties of visual inputs that initiate horizontal smooth pursuit eye movements in monkeys
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.
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Directional selectivity and its use in early visual processing
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences.
Christopher C. Pack,et al.
Temporal dynamics of a neural solution to the aperture problem in visual area MT of macaque brain
M. Shiffrar,et al.
Different motion sensitive units are involved in recovering the direction of moving lines
Vision Research.
W. Newsome,et al.
Deficits in visual motion processing following ibotenic acid lesions of the middle temporal visual area of the macaque monkey
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.