'Effective and speedy' wins the traffic

Japan Freight Railway is investing in a new consignment tracking system (Trace) at 130 of its main terminals as part of a five-stage programme to improve the company's fortunes. Part of the plan is the concept of 'Service Kaizen', which encourages staff to look at ways of improving company performance. The company has streamlined its operations into a network of 77 corridors totalling 8,680 route-km and concentrated on container transport. Container traffic accounts for 429 trains out of 672 freight trains operated each day. Average container haul is 900 km. JR Freight's Challenge 21 includes five measures to improve the competitiveness of container operations: introduction of high-performance rolling stock, remodelling internodal terminals, development of the world's first freight EMU, introduction of larger containers for specific traffic, and upgrading and expansion of the consignment traffic system. The company's emphasis on investment is discussed.