Information Retrieval (IR) and Extracting Associative Rules

This paper is located in the intersection of two research themes, namely: Information Retrieval and Knowledge Discovery from texts Text mining. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: first, it focuses on Information Retrieval IR whose purpose is to implement a set of models and systems for selecting a set of documents satisfying user needs in terms of information expressed as a query. An information retrieval system is composed mainly of two processes the representation and retrieval process. The process of representation is called indexing, which allows representation of documents and queries by descriptors, or indexes. These descriptors reflect the contents of documents. The retrieval process consists on the comparison between documents representations and query representation. The second aim of this paper is to discover the relationships between terms keywords descriptors of documents in a document database. The correlations relationships between terms are extracted by using a technique of the Text mining, mainly association rules.

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