in satisfying the required workspace and natural frequency simultaneously, because the previous micromanipulators are coupled designs. In this study, a previous design was analyzed from the viewpoint of the axiomatic design. Then, a new design parameter, displacement magnifier, which transforms a coupled design into a decoupled design, was suggested. And a design procedure based on an axiomatic design was suggested. A spatial 3-degrees-of-freedom parallel-type micromanipulator was chosen as an exemplary device. According to the suggested design procedure, the micromanipulator having the required natural frequency was designed in the first step, and then the displacement magnifier satisfying the required workspace was designed sequentially. As a consequence, the micromanipulator has a natural frequency of 500 Hz and workspace of 0.5 ◊ 0.5 . To verify the eectiveness of the manipulator and displacement magnifiers, simulations and experiments were performed. It is verified that the manipulator and the displacement magnifiers implemented work very well for satisfying the required natural frequency and workspace.