Cooperative Information Systems: Trends and Directions

M.L. Brodie, The Emperors Clothes Are Object Oriented and Distributed. T.D. Meijler and O. Neierstrasz, Beyond Objects, Components. F. Manola, D. Georgakopoulos, S. Heiler, B. Hurwitz, G. Mitchell, and F. Neyeri, Supporting Cooperation in Enterprise-Scale Distributed Object Systems. K.L. Clark and N. Skarmeas, A Harness Language for Cooperative Information Systems. V. Kashyap and A. Sheth, Semantic Heterogeneity in Global Information Systems: The Role of Metadata, Context, and Ontologies. J. Kahng and D. McLeod, Dynamic Classificational Ontologies: Mediation of Information Sharing in Cooperative Federated Database Systems. J. Han, R.T. Ng, Y. Fu, and S. Dao, Dealing with Semantic Heterogeneity by Generalization-Based Data Mining Techniques. D. Edmond and M.P. Papazoglou, Reflection is the Essence of Cooperation. M. Jarke, P. Peters, and M.A. Jeusfeld, Model-driven Planning and Design of Cooperative Information Systems. E.Yu, P. Dubois, E. Dubois, and J. Mylopoulos, From Organization Models to System Requirements: A Cooperating Agents Approach. G. De Michelis, E. Dubois, M. Jarke, F. Matthes, J. Mylopoulos, M.P. Papazoglou, K. Pohl, J. Schmidt, C. Woo, and E. Yu,Cooperative Information Systems: A Manifesto. Subject Index.