Robot selection using DeNOC-based dynamics

Robot selection for an application is generally done based on experience, intuition and at most using the kinematic considerations like workspace, manipulability, etc. Dynamics is ignored at this stage even though it is widely used for robot control and simulation purposes. This paper uses dynamic characteristics of a robot, namely, the computational simplicity of the matrices associated with its dynamic equations of motion, i.e., the generalized inertia matrix, (GIM) and the matrix of convective inertia (MCI) terms. Simplification of these matrices occurs due to specific values of the robot parameters like link masses and lengths, joint sequences, etc. Hence, these parameters can be used as design variables to make some elements of the GIM and MCI vanish or constant. Explicit expressions of the GIM and MCl elements are available due to the use of the concept of the decoupled natural orthogonal compliment (DeNOC) matrices, introduced elsewhere, in deriving the dynamic equations of motion of the robots under study. Selection of robot parameters based on GIM and MCI simplification eases both the control and simulation tasks of the chosen robot, hence, improving its speed, precision and stability.