
2014 - ECCV

Edge Boxes: Locating Object Proposals from Edges

The use of object proposals is an effective recent approach for increasing the computational efficiency of object detection. We propose a novel method for generating object bounding box proposals using edges. Edges provide a sparse yet informative representation of an image. Our main observation is that the number of contours that are wholly contained in a bounding box is indicative of the likelihood of the box containing an object. We propose a simple box objectness score that measures the number of edges that exist in the box minus those that are members of contours that overlap the box’s boundary. Using efficient data structures, millions of candidate boxes can be evaluated in a fraction of a second, returning a ranked set of a few thousand top-scoring proposals. Using standard metrics, we show results that are significantly more accurate than the current state-of-the-art while being faster to compute. In particular, given just 1000 proposals we achieve over 96% object recall at overlap threshold of 0.5 and over 75% recall at the more challenging overlap of 0.7. Our approach runs in 0.25 seconds and we additionally demonstrate a near real-time variant with only minor loss in accuracy.

1970 - American Political Science Review

Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics

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“To have mastered ‘theory’ and ‘method’ is to have become a conscious thinker, a man at work and aware of the assumptions and implications of whatever he is about. To be mastered by ‘method’ or ‘theory’ is simply to be kept from working.” The sentence applies nicely to the present plight of political science. The profession as a whole oscillates between two unsound extremes. At the one end a large majority of political scientists qualify as pure and simple unconscious thinkers. At the other end a sophisticated minority qualify as overconscious thinkers, in the sense that their standards of method and theory are drawn from the physical, “paradigmatic” sciences. The wide gap between the unconscious and the overconscious thinker is concealed by the growing sophistication of statistical and research techniques. Most of the literature introduced by the title “Methods” (in the social, behavioral or political sciences) actually deals with survey techniques and social statistics, and has little if anything to share with the crucial concern of “methodology,” which is a concern with the logical structure and procedure of scientific enquiry. In a very crucial sense there is no methodology without logos, without thinking about thinking. And if a firm distinction is drawn—as it should be—between methodology and technique, the latter is no substitute for the former. One may be a wonderful researcher and manipulator of data, and yet remain an unconscious thinker.


Rational choice and the framing of decisions

Alternative descriptions of a decision problem often give rise to different preferences, contrary to the principle of invariance that underlines the rational theory of choice. Violations of this theory are traced to the rules that govern the framing of decision and to the psychological principles of evaluation embodied in prospect theory. Invariance and dominance are obeyed when their application is transparent and often violated in other situations. Because these rules are normatively essential but descriptively invalid, no theory of choice can be both normatively adequate and descriptively accurate.


Markor: A Measure of Market Orientation

In recent years, academic and practitioner interest has focused on market orientation and factors that engender this orientation in organizations. However, much less attention has been devoted to developing a valid measure of market orientation. Here we define market orientation as the organizationwide generation of market intelligence pertaining to current and future needs of customers, dissemination of intelligence horizontally and vertically within the organization, and organization-wide action or responsiveness to market intelligence. The authors describe a procedure to develop a measure of the construct. Key features of the research methodology include several rounds of pretesting, a single-informant assessment, and a multi-informant (both marketing and nonmarketing executives) replication and extension. The multi-informant results indicate that the proposed 20-item market orientation scale (MARKOR) may be best represented by a factor structure that consists of one general market orientation factor, one factor for intelligence generation, one factor for dissemination and responsiveness, one marketing informant factor, and one nonmarketing informant factor. Taking into account the informant factors, the subsequent validation tests are moderately supportive of the market orientation construct. The authors discuss methodological, substantive, and application directions for future research in light of these findings.


Authentic Leadership: Development and Validation of a Theory-Based Measure†

This study developed and tested a theory-based measure of authentic leadership using five separate samples obtained from China, Kenya, and the United States. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a higher order, multidimensional model of the authentic leadership construct (the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire [ALQ]) comprising leader self-awareness, relational transparency, internalized moral perspective, and balanced processing. Structural equation modeling (SEM) demonstrated the predictive validity for the ALQ measure for important work-related attitudes and behaviors, beyond what ethical and transformational leadership offered. Finally, results revealed a positive relationship between authentic leadership and supervisor-rated performance. Implications for research and practice are discussed.


The Contours of Positive Human Health

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The primary objectives of this article are (a) to put forth an explicit operational formulation of positive human health that goes beyond prevailing "absence of illness" criteria; (b) to clarify that positive human health does not derive from extant medical considerations, which are not about wellness, but necessarily require a base in philosophical accounts of the "goods" in life; (c) to provoke a change of emphasis from strong tendencies to construe human health as exclusively about the mind or the body toward an integrated and positive spiral of mind-body influences; (d) to delineate possible physiological substrates of human flourishing and offer future directions for understanding the biology of positive health; and (e) to discuss implications of positive health for diverse scientific agendas (e.g., stress, class and health, work and family life) and for practice in health fields (e.g., training, health examinations, psychotherapy, and wellness intervention programs).


Is the Resource-Based “View” a Useful Perspective for Strategic Management Research?

As a potential theory, the elemental resource-based view (RBV) is not currently a theoretical structure. Moreover, RBV proponents have assumed stability in product markets and eschewed determining resources' values. As a perspective for strategic management, imprecise definitions hinder prescription and static approaches relegate causality to a “black box.” We outline conceptual challenges for improving this situation, including rigorously formalizing the RBV, answering the causal “how” questions, incorporating the temporal component, and integrating the RBV with demand heterogeneity models.

2009 - IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

JADE: Adaptive Differential Evolution With Optional External Archive

A new differential evolution (DE) algorithm, JADE, is proposed to improve optimization performance by implementing a new mutation strategy ldquoDE/current-to-p bestrdquo with optional external archive and updating control parameters in an adaptive manner. The DE/current-to-pbest is a generalization of the classic ldquoDE/current-to-best,rdquo while the optional archive operation utilizes historical data to provide information of progress direction. Both operations diversify the population and improve the convergence performance. The parameter adaptation automatically updates the control parameters to appropriate values and avoids a user's prior knowledge of the relationship between the parameter settings and the characteristics of optimization problems. It is thus helpful to improve the robustness of the algorithm. Simulation results show that JADE is better than, or at least comparable to, other classic or adaptive DE algorithms, the canonical particle swarm optimization, and other evolutionary algorithms from the literature in terms of convergence performance for a set of 20 benchmark problems. JADE with an external archive shows promising results for relatively high dimensional problems. In addition, it clearly shows that there is no fixed control parameter setting suitable for various problems or even at different optimization stages of a single problem.


Bandwagon, Snob, and Veblen Effects in the Theory of Consumers' Demand

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I. The nature of the problem, 183. — II. Functional and nonfunctional demand, 188. — III. The bandwagon effect, 190. — IV. The snob effect, 199. — V. The Veblen effect, 202. — VI. Mixed effects, 205. — VII. Conclusion, 206.

2000 - JAMA

Factors considered important at the end of life by patients, family, physicians, and other care providers.

CONTEXT A clear understanding of what patients, families, and health care practitioners view as important at the end of life is integral to the success of improving care of dying patients. Empirical evidence defining such factors, however, is lacking. OBJECTIVE To determine the factors considered important at the end of life by patients, their families, physicians, and other care providers. DESIGN AND SETTING Cross-sectional, stratified random national survey conducted in March-August 1999. PARTICIPANTS Seriously ill patients (n = 340), recently bereaved family (n = 332), physicians (n = 361), and other care providers (nurses, social workers, chaplains, and hospice volunteers; n = 429). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Importance of 44 attributes of quality at the end of life (5-point scale) and rankings of 9 major attributes, compared in the 4 groups. RESULTS Twenty-six items consistently were rated as being important (>70% responding that item is important) across all 4 groups, including pain and symptom management, preparation for death, achieving a sense of completion, decisions about treatment preferences, and being treated as a "whole person." Eight items received strong importance ratings from patients but less from physicians (P<.001), including being mentally aware, having funeral arrangements planned, not being a burden, helping others, and coming to peace with God. Ten items had broad variation within as well as among the 4 groups, including decisions about life-sustaining treatments, dying at home, and talking about the meaning of death. Participants ranked freedom from pain most important and dying at home least important among 9 major attributes. CONCLUSIONS Although pain and symptom management, communication with one's physician, preparation for death, and the opportunity to achieve a sense of completion are important to most, other factors important to quality at the end of life differ by role and by individual. Efforts to evaluate and improve patients' and families' experiences at the end of life must account for diverse perceptions of quality. JAMA. 2000;284:2476-2482.


Linking Empowering Leadership and Employee Creativity: The Influence of Psychological Empowerment, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creative Process Engagement

Synthesizing theories of leadership, empowerment, and creativity, this research built and tested a theoretical model linking empowering leadership with creativity via several intervening variables. Using survey data from professional employees and their supervisors in a large information technology company in China, we found that, as anticipated, empowering leadership positively affected psychological empowerment, which in turn influenced both intrinsic motivation and creative process engagement. These latter two variables then had a positive influence on creativity. Empowerment role identity moderated the link between empowering leadership and psychological empowerment, whereas leader encouragement of creativity moderated the connection between psychological empowerment and creative process engagement.

1989 - Journal of Political Economy

Entry and Exit Decisions under Uncertainty

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A firm's entry and exit decisions when the output price follows a random walk are examined. An idle firm and an active firm are viewed as assets that are call options on each other. The solution is a pair of trigger prices for entry and exit. The entry trigger exceeds the variable cost plus the interest on the entry cost, and the exit trigger is less than the variable cost minus the interest on the exit cost. These gaps produce "hysteresis." Numerical solutions are obtained for several parameter values; hysteresis is found to be significant even with small sunk costs.

1992 - IEEE transactions on neural networks

Fuzzy ARTMAP: A neural network architecture for incremental supervised learning of analog multidimensional maps

A neural network architecture is introduced for incremental supervised learning of recognition categories and multidimensional maps in response to arbitrary sequences of analog or binary input vectors, which may represent fuzzy or crisp sets of features. The architecture, called fuzzy ARTMAP, achieves a synthesis of fuzzy logic and adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural networks by exploiting a close formal similarity between the computations of fuzzy subsethood and ART category choice, resonance, and learning. Four classes of simulation illustrated fuzzy ARTMAP performance in relation to benchmark backpropagation and generic algorithm systems. These simulations include finding points inside versus outside a circle, learning to tell two spirals apart, incremental approximation of a piecewise-continuous function, and a letter recognition database. The fuzzy ARTMAP system is also compared with Salzberg's NGE systems and with Simpson's FMMC system.

2001 - SIAM Rev.

An Algorithmic Introduction to Numerical Simulation of Stochastic Differential Equations

A practical and accessible introduction to numerical methods for stochastic differential equations is given. The reader is assumed to be familiar with Euler's method for deterministic differential equations and to have at least an intuitive feel for the concept of a random variable; however, no knowledge of advanced probability theory or stochastic processes is assumed. The article is built around $10$ MATLAB programs, and the topics covered include stochastic integration, the Euler--Maruyama method, Milstein's method, strong and weak convergence, linear stability, and the stochastic chain rule.

1998 - Strategic Management Journal


Careful review of extant research addressing the relationships between board composition, board leadership structure, and firm financial performance demonstrates little consistency in results. In general, neither board composition nor board leadership structure has been consistently linked to firm financial performance. In response to these findings, we provide metaanalyses of 54 empirical studies of board composition (159 samples, n = 40,160) and 31 empirical studies of board leadership structure (69 samples, n= 12,915) and their relationships to firm financial performance. These—and moderator analyses relying on firm size, the nature of the financial performance indicator, and various operationalizations of board composition— provide little evidence of systematic governance structure/financial performance relationships. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

2003 - Psychological bulletin

Transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles: a meta-analysis comparing women and men.

A meta-analysis of 45 studies of transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles found that female leaders were more transformational than male leaders and also engaged in more of the contingent reward behaviors that are a component of transactional leadership. Male leaders were generally more likely to manifest the other aspects of transactional leadership (active and passive management by exception) and laissez-faire leadership. Although these differences between male and female leaders were small, the implications of these findings are encouraging for female leadership because other research has established that all of the aspects of leadership style on which women exceeded men relate positively to leaders' effectiveness whereas all of the aspects on which men exceeded women have negative or null relations to effectiveness.


Measuring Market Power in the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry

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The ready-to-eat cereal industry is characterized by high concentration, high price-cost margins, large advertising-to-sales ratios, and numerous introductions of new products. Previous researchers have concluded that the ready-to-eat cereal industry is a classic example of an industry with nearly collusive pricing behavior and intense non-price competition. This paper empirically examines this conclusion. In particular, I estimate price-cost margins, but more importantly I am able empirically to separate these margins into three sources: (1) that which is due to product differentiation; (2) that which is due to multi-product firm pricing; and (3) that due to potential price collusion. The results suggest that given the demand for different brands of cereal, the first two effects explain most of the observed price-cost markups. I conclude that prices in the industry are consistent with non-collusive pricing behavior, despite the high price- cost margins. Leading firms are able to maintain a portfolio of differentiated products and influence the perceived product quality. It is these two factors that lead to high price-cost margins.


Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics

This is the book form of the Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics to be published by IEEE in 2005.

2016 - Nucleic Acids Research

UniProt: the universal protein knowledgebase

Cathy H. Wu Christian J. A. Sigrist Jerven T. Bolleman Béatrice A. Cuche C. R. Vinayaka Alan W. Sousa da Silva Leyla Jael García Castro C. Arighi D. Natale A. Bateman I. Xenarios J. Garavelli G. Georghiou M. Magrane T. Sawford M. Martin C. O’Donovan B. Roechert S. Poux B. Boeckmann R. Lopez C. Sigrist A. Bridge L. Bougueleret Weizhong Li L. Breuza M. Feuermann U. Hinz P. Masson I. Pedruzzi E. Gasteiger Hongzhan Huang N. Redaschi L. Yeh A. Auchincloss K. Axelsen B. Bely M. Blatter E. Boutet R. Britto H. Bye-A-Jee E. Coudert A. Estreicher L. Famiglietti P. Garmiri A. Gos N. Gruaz-Gumowski E. Hatton-Ellis C. Hulo F. Jungo G. Keller K. Laiho D. Lieberherr Y. Lussi K. Pichler C. Rivoire E. Speretta A. Shypitsyna A. Stutz S. Sundaram M. Tognolli N. Tyagi K. Warner R. Zaru Ghislaine Argoud-Puy P. McGarvey H. Zellner S. Paesano E. Alpi E. de Castro B. Bursteinas Michel Schneider A. Renaux Qinghua Wang A. Morgat Séverine Duvaud A. Veuthey V. Volynkin M. Bingley Manuela Pruess Parit Bansal K. Ross Chuming Chen Rabie Saidi T. Lombardot L. Aimo Monica Pozzato S. Rosanoff Tunca Doğan R. Antunes T. Neto S. Gehant Jian Zhang Andrew Nightingale Jie Luo P. Lemercier L. Arminski Yuqi Wang Yongxing Chen A. Cowley B. Palka Delphine Baratin D. Poggioli M. Doche D. Dornevil X. Martin S. Pilbout K. Sonesson S. Staehli L. Verbregue Alex Maria Jesus Claire Michele Emanuele Ricardo Benoit Bateman Martin O’Donovan Magrane Alpi Antune C. Bonilla M. D. Giorgi F. Fazzini L. Figueira Daniel Gonzalez Wudong Liu Alistair MacDougall S. Pundir L. Pureza G. Qi Edward Turner T. Wardell X. Watkins C. Casal-Casas V. Gerritsen V. Lara N. Nouspikel Tunca Dogan Severine Duvaud Borisas Bursteinas Edouard de Castro Nicole Redaschi
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The UniProt knowledgebase is a large resource of protein sequences and associated detailed annotation. The database contains over 60 million sequences, of which over half a million sequences have been curated by experts who critically review experimental and predicted data for each protein. The remainder are automatically annotated based on rule systems that rely on the expert curated knowledge. Since our last update in 2014, we have more than doubled the number of reference proteomes to 5631, giving a greater coverage of taxonomic diversity. We implemented a pipeline to remove redundant highly similar proteomes that were causing excessive redundancy in UniProt. The initial run of this pipeline reduced the number of sequences in UniProt by 47 million. For our users interested in the accessory proteomes, we have made available sets of pan proteome sequences that cover the diversity of sequences for each species that is found in its strains and sub-strains. To help interpretation of genomic variants, we provide tracks of detailed protein information for the major genome browsers. We provide a SPARQL endpoint that allows complex queries of the more than 22 billion triples of data in UniProt (http://sparql.uniprot.org/). UniProt resources can be accessed via the website at http://www.uniprot.org/.

2003 - Nature Structural Biology

Announcing the worldwide Protein Data Bank

mentation will be kept publicly available and the distribution sites will mirror the PDB archive using identical contents and subdirectory structure. However, each member of the wwPDB will be able to develop its own web site, with a unique view of the primary data, providing a variety of tools and resources for the global community. An Advisory Board consisting of appointees from the wwPDB, the International Union of Crystallography and the International Council on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems will provide guidance through annual meetings with the wwPDB consortium. This board is responsible for reviewing and determining policy as well as providing a forum for resolving issues related to the wwPDB. Specific details about the Advisory Board can be found in the wwPDB charter, available on the wwPDB web site. The RCSB is the ‘archive keeper’ of wwPDB. It has sole write access to the PDB archive and control over directory structure and contents, as well as responsibility for distributing new PDB identifiers to all deposition sites. The PDB archive is a collection of flat files in the legacy PDB file format 3 and in the mmCIF 4 format that follows the PDB exchange dictionary (http://deposit.pdb.org/ mmcif/). This dictionary describes the syntax and semantics of PDB data that are processed and exchanged during the process of data annotation. It was designed to provide consistency in data produced in structure laboratories, processed by the wwPDB members and used in bioinformatics applications. The PDB archive does not include the websites, browsers, software and database query engines developed by researchers worldwide. The members of the wwPDB will jointly agree to any modifications or extensions to the PDB exchange dictionary. As data technology progresses, other data formats (such as XML) and delivery methods may be included in the official PDB archive if all the wwPDB members concur on the alteration. Any new formats will follow the naming and description conventions of the PDB exchange dictionary. In addition, the legacy PDB format would not be modified unless there is a compelling reason for a change. Should such a situation occur, all three wwPDB members would have to agree on the changes and give the structural biology community 90 days advance notice. The creation of the wwPDB formalizes the international character of the PDB and ensures that the archive remains single and uniform. It provides a mechanism to ensure consistent data for software developers and users worldwide. We hope that this will encourage individual creativity in developing tools for presenting structural data, which could benefit the scientific research community in general.


decision making numerical simulation information retrieval life cycle detection algorithm research and development knowledge base world war objective function logic programming turbulent flow authentication protocol protein sequence direct numerical simulation strategic management data bank channel flow protein data bank direct numerical constraint logic programming digital archive organizational culture rate model scientific publication amino acid sequence protein datum emotional intelligence risk aversion digital curation leadership style data standard hearing impairment sequence database functional genomic capital structure plant root organizational behavior sample variance transformational leadership terms and condition outcome measure transformational grammar resource-based view loss aversion bibliographic reference peptide sequence school leadership proteomics standards initiative social inequality instructional leadership protein information resource jstor archive transactional leadership leadership practice pdb datum universal protein centralized computing positive theory regulatory submission projections and prediction interface device component exhibits as topic cognition disorder silo (dataset) phobia, social checking (action) tree accumulation blood glucose self-monitoring cluster headache funding grant ibm note html link type - copyright illness (finding) nephrogenic systemic fibrosi arid1a wt allele beneath a steel sky united states national institute of health clinical trial protocol document extraversion (psychology) basolateral sorting signal lathyrus splenden external bus interface rule (guideline) converter device component contract agreement contents - htmllinktype standards characteristic question (inquiry) published database copy (object)