
2017 - Medical Image Analysis

Large scale deep learning for computer aided detection of mammographic lesions

&NA; Recent advances in machine learning yielded new techniques to train deep neural networks, which resulted in highly successful applications in many pattern recognition tasks such as object detection and speech recognition. In this paper we provide a head‐to‐head comparison between a state‐of‐the art in mammography CAD system, relying on a manually designed feature set and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), aiming for a system that can ultimately read mammograms independently. Both systems are trained on a large data set of around 45,000 images and results show the CNN outperforms the traditional CAD system at low sensitivity and performs comparable at high sensitivity. We subsequently investigate to what extent features such as location and patient information and commonly used manual features can still complement the network and see improvements at high specificity over the CNN especially with location and context features, which contain information not available to the CNN. Additionally, a reader study was performed, where the network was compared to certified screening radiologists on a patch level and we found no significant difference between the network and the readers. HighlightsA system based on deep learning is shown to outperform a state‐of‐the art CAD system.Adding complementary handcrafted features to the CNN is shown to increase performance.The system based on deep learning is shown to perform at the level of a radiologist. Graphical abstract Figure. No caption available.

1996 - Artif. Intell. Eng. Des. Anal. Manuf.

Supporting conceptual design based on the function-behavior-state modeler

The relative significance of conceptual design to basic design or detail design is widely recognized, due to its influential roles in determining the product's fundamental features and development costs. Although there are some general methodologies dealing with functions in design, virtually no commercial CAD systems can support functional design, in particular so-called synthetic phase of design. Supporting the synthetic phase of conceptual design is one of the crucial issues of CAD systems with function modeling capabilities. In this paper, we propose a computer tool called a Function-Behavior-State (FBS) Modeler to support functional design not only in the analytical phase but also in the synthetic phase. To do so, the functional decomposition knowledge and physical features in the knowledge base of the modeler, and a subsystem Qualitative Process Abduction System (QPAS) play crucial roles. Modeling scheme of function in relation with behavior and structure and design process for conceptual design in the FBS Modeler are described. The advantages of the FBS Modeler are demonstrated by presenting two examples; namely, an experiment in which designers used this tool and the design of functionally redundant machines, which is a new design methodology for highly reliable machines, as its application.


neural network machine learning artificial neural network deep learning convolutional neural network convolutional neural natural language deep neural network speech recognition social media neural network model hidden markov model markov model deep neural medical image computer vision object detection image classification conceptual design generative adversarial network gaussian mixture model facial expression generative adversarial deep convolutional neural deep reinforcement learning network architecture adversarial network mutual information deep learning model speech recognition system deep convolutional cad system image denoising speech enhancement neural network architecture convolutional network facial expression recognition feedforward neural network expression recognition nash equilibrium domain adaptation single image loss function based on deep neural net deep learning method semi-supervised learning deep learning algorithm data augmentation neural networks based image super-resolution deep belief network deep network feature learning enhancement based image synthesi multilayer neural network unsupervised domain adaptation learning task latent space single image super-resolution conditional generative adversarial media service neural networks trained acoustic modeling theoretic analysi speech enhancement based conditional generative multi-layer neural network quantitative structure-activity relationship conversational speech information bottleneck generative adversarial net training deep neural noisy label training deep adversarial perturbation adversarial net generative network batch normalization convolutional generative adversarial social media service deep convolutional generative update rule adversarial neural network deep neural net sensing mri convolutional generative adversarial sample wasserstein gan machine-learning algorithm robust training ventral stream binary weight gan training train deep neural ventral visual pathway deep generative adversarial current speech recognition pre-trained deep neural analysi of tweets deep feedforward neural improving deep learning frechet inception distance training generative adversarial stimulus feature medical image synthesi training generative community intelligence acoustic input overcoming catastrophic forgetting social reporting networks reveal context-dependent deep neural deep compression ventral pathway weights and activation extremely noisy