Sustainability, Accountability and Corporate Governance: Exploring Multinationals' Reporting Practices
Recent years have seen a rapid increase in accountability pressures on particularly large global companies. The increased call for transparency comes from two different angles, which show some (potential) convergence in terms of topics and audiences: accountability requirements in the context of corporate governance, which expand to staff-related, ethical aspects; and sustainability reporting that has broadened from environment only to social and financial issues. This article examines to what extent and how current sustainability reporting of Fortune Global 250 companies incorporates corporate governance aspects. Many multinationals, particularly in Europe and Japan, have started to pay attention to board supervision and structuring of sustainability responsibilities, to compliance, ethics and external verification. While detailed disclosures are not yet common, some notable practices can be found. Underlying dilemmas and complexities for managers in dealing with accountability to shareholders and stakeholders, and the role of auditors, are indicated.
The effect of corporate governance on sustainability disclosure
Drawing on stakeholder theory, this paper examines the relationship of board composition, leadership and structure on sustainability disclosure. We discuss that good corporate governance and sustainability disclosure can be seen as complementary mechanisms of legitimacy that companies may use to dialogue with stakeholders. Specifically we claim that, as disclosure policies emanate from the board of directors, sustainability disclosure may be a function of the board attributes: we investigate the relationship between different characteristics of the board and sustainability disclosures among US and European companies. Our results show that in order to explain the effect of board composition on sustainability disclosure we need to go beyond the narrow and traditional distinction between insider and independent directors, focusing on the specific characteristics of each director.
Governance and sustainability: an investigation into the relationship between corporate governance and corporate sustainability
– The purpose of this paper is to show that corporate governance is fundamental to the continuing operation of any corporation; hence much attention has been paid to the procedures of such governance. Similarly sustainability is fundamental to the continuing operation of any corporation, and is arguably the fashionable concept of the moment. While it is clear what is generally meant by corporate governance it is much less clear what is meant by sustainability and the paper starts by investigating this concept., – For two such fundamental concepts however it would seem that there should be a relationship between the two, although little work has been undertaken on exploring this relationship. The central part of this paper is therefore based upon an exploration of the relationship between governance and sustainability, by investigating the FTSE100 companies and their corporate governance policies., – This analysis found some strengths – and hence cause for optimism – and some weaknesses – and hence cause for concern. Areas where further work is needed are identified., – The paper has implications in enhancing the understanding of the necessary components of corporate governance, although it is necessarily limited by the size of the sample., – This paper increases the understanding of the relationship between corporate governance, sustainability and sustainable development.
information system management system cloud computing decision making information technology world wide web life cycle hidden markov model markov model wide web world wide empirical study sustainable development literature review factors affecting life cycle assessment developing country web server parallel algorithm factors influencing cycle assessment electronic commerce technology acceptance model environmental management protein structure user authentication empirical investigation technology acceptance amino acid independent set cloud computing service integrated model protein sequence protein data bank corporate governance nucleic acid set problem sustainability assessment technology adoption environmental management system mobile commerce environmental sustainability internet banking life cycle costing fast parallel maximum independent set mobile banking electronic busines independent set problem maximum independent maximal independent set business network perceived risk cloud computing adoption maximal independent internet web computing adoption workload characterization adoption model sustainability indicator fast parallel algorithm target prediction sustainability issue life cycle sustainability performance outcome top management support adoption of mobile innovation adoption corporate sustainability system adoption information technology adoption adoption decision influencing the adoption cycle sustainability tam model weighted independent set technology adoption model adoption rate sustainability reporting set packing amino acid substitution adoption behavior weighted independent commerce adoption consumer adoption adoption of internet generalized hidden markov sustainability practice banking adoption weighted set subset problem acid substitution e-business adoption product adoption perceived behavioral control natural capital mirna target prediction electronic commerce adoption mobile banking adoption adoption research toe framework ecological sustainability agricultural sustainability independent sequence internet web server technology adoption research review [publication type] united state