
2007 - IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.

Provable data possession at untrusted stores

We introduce a model for provable data possession (PDP) that allows a client that has stored data at an untrusted server to verify that the server possesses the original data without retrieving it. The model generates probabilistic proofs of possession by sampling random sets of blocks from the server, which drastically reduces I/O costs. The client maintains a constant amount of metadata to verify the proof. The challenge/response protocol transmits a small, constant amount of data, which minimizes network communication. Thus, the PDP model for remote data checking supports large data sets in widely-distributed storage system. We present two provably-secure PDP schemes that are more efficient than previous solutions, even when compared with schemes that achieve weaker guarantees. In particular, the overhead at the server is low (or even constant), as opposed to linear in the size of the data. Experiments using our implementation verify the practicality of PDP and reveal that the performance of PDP is bounded by disk I/O and not by cryptographic computation.

2009 - IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive

Dynamic provable data possession

We consider the problem of efficiently proving the integrity of data stored at untrusted servers. In the provable data possession (PDP) model, the client preprocesses the data and then sends it to an untrusted server for storage, while keeping a small amount of meta-data. The client later asks the server to prove that the stored data has not been tampered with or deleted (without downloading the actual data). However, the original PDP scheme applies only to static (or append-only) files. We present a definitional framework and efficient constructions for dynamic provable data possession (DPDP), which extends the PDP model to support provable updates to stored data. We use a new version of authenticated dictionaries based on rank information. The price of dynamic updates is a performance change from O(1) to O(logn) (or O(nεlog n), for a file consisting of n blocks, while maintaining the same (or better, respectively) probability of misbehavior detection. Our experiments show that this slowdown is very low in practice (e.g. 415KB proof size and 30ms computational overhead for a 1GB file). We also show how to apply our DPDP scheme to outsourced file systems and version control systems (e.g. CVS).

2008 - IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.

Scalable and efficient provable data possession

Storage outsourcing is a rising trend which prompts a number of interesting security issues, many of which have been extensively investigated in the past. However, Provable Data Possession (PDP) is a topic that has only recently appeared in the research literature. The main issue is how to frequently, efficiently and securely verify that a storage server is faithfully storing its client's (potentially very large) outsourced data. The storage server is assumed to be untrusted in terms of both security and reliability. (In other words, it might maliciously or accidentally erase hosted data; it might also relegate it to slow or off-line storage.) The problem is exacerbated by the client being a small computing device with limited resources. Prior work has addressed this problem using either public key cryptography or requiring the client to outsource its data in encrypted form. In this paper, we construct a highly efficient and provably secure PDP technique based entirely on symmetric key cryptography, while not requiring any bulk encryption. Also, in contrast with its predecessors, our PDP technique allows outsourcing of dynamic data, i.e, it efficiently supports operations, such as block modification, deletion and append.

2008 - 2008 The 28th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems

MR-PDP: Multiple-Replica Provable Data Possession

Many storage systems rely on replication to increase the availability and durability of data on untrusted storage systems. At present, such storage systems provide no strong evidence that multiple copies of the data are actually stored. Storage servers can collude to make it look like they are storing many copies of the data, whereas in reality they only store a single copy. We address this shortcoming through multiple-replica provable data possession (MR-PDP): A provably-secure scheme that allows a client that stores t replicas of a file in a storage system to verify through a challenge-response protocol that (1) each unique replica can be produced at the time of the challenge and that (2) the storage system uses t times the storage required to store a single replica. MR-PDP extends previous work on data possession proofs for a single copy of a file in a client/server storage system (Ateniese et al., 2007). Using MR-PDP to store t replicas is computationally much more efficient than using a single-replica PDP scheme to store t separate, unrelated files (e.g., by encrypting each file separately prior to storing it). Another advantage of MR-PDP is that it can generate further replicas on demand, at little expense, when some of the existing replicas fail.

2012 - IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Cooperative Provable Data Possession for Integrity Verification in Multicloud Storage

Provable data possession (PDP) is a technique for ensuring the integrity of data in storage outsourcing. In this paper, we address the construction of an efficient PDP scheme for distributed cloud storage to support the scalability of service and data migration, in which we consider the existence of multiple cloud service providers to cooperatively store and maintain the clients' data. We present a cooperative PDP (CPDP) scheme based on homomorphic verifiable response and hash index hierarchy. We prove the security of our scheme based on multiprover zero-knowledge proof system, which can satisfy completeness, knowledge soundness, and zero-knowledge properties. In addition, we articulate performance optimization mechanisms for our scheme, and in particular present an efficient method for selecting optimal parameter values to minimize the computation costs of clients and storage service providers. Our experiments show that our solution introduces lower computation and communication overheads in comparison with noncooperative approaches.

2011 - ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur.

Remote data checking using provable data possession

We introduce a model for provable data possession (PDP) that can be used for remote data checking: A client that has stored data at an untrusted server can verify that the server possesses the original data without retrieving it. The model generates probabilistic proofs of possession by sampling random sets of blocks from the server, which drastically reduces I/O costs. The client maintains a constant amount of metadata to verify the proof. The challenge/response protocol transmits a small, constant amount of data, which minimizes network communication. Thus, the PDP model for remote data checking is lightweight and supports large data sets in distributed storage systems. The model is also robust in that it incorporates mechanisms for mitigating arbitrary amounts of data corruption. We present two provably-secure PDP schemes that are more efficient than previous solutions. In particular, the overhead at the server is low (or even constant), as opposed to linear in the size of the data. We then propose a generic transformation that adds robustness to any remote data checking scheme based on spot checking. Experiments using our implementation verify the practicality of PDP and reveal that the performance of PDP is bounded by disk I/O and not by cryptographic computation. Finally, we conduct an in-depth experimental evaluation to study the tradeoffs in performance, security, and space overheads when adding robustness to a remote data checking scheme.

2015 - Journal of Internet Technology

Mutual Verifiable Provable Data Auditing in Public Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is now a hot research topic in information technology. In cloud storage, date security properties such as data confidentiality, integrity and availability become more and more important in many commercial applications. Recently, many provable data possession (PDP) schemes are proposed to protect data integrity. In some cases, it has to delegate the remote data possession checking task to some proxy. However, these PDP schemes are not secure since the proxy stores some state information in cloud storage servers. Hence, in this paper, we propose an efficient mutual verifiable provable data possession scheme, which utilizes Diffie-Hellman shared key to construct the homomorphic authenticator. In particular, the verifier in our scheme is stateless and independent of the cloud storage service. It is worth noting that the presented scheme is very efficient compared with the previous PDP schemes, since the bilinear operation is not required.

2013 - IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

Proxy Provable Data Possession in Public Clouds

Recently, cloud computing rapidly expands as an alternative to conventional computing due to it can provide a flexible, dynamic and resilient infrastructure for both academic and business environments. In public cloud environment, the client moves its data to public cloud server (PCS) and cannot control its remote data. Thus, information security is an important problem in public cloud storage, such as data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In some cases, the client has no ability to check its remote data possession, such as the client is in prison because of committing crime, on the ocean-going vessel, in the battlefield because of the war, and so on. It has to delegate the remote data possession checking task to some proxy. In this paper, we study proxy provable data possession (PPDP). In public clouds, PPDP is a matter of crucial importance when the client cannot perform the remote data possession checking. We study the PPDP system model, the security model, and the design method. Based on the bilinear pairing technique, we design an efficient PPDP protocol. Through security analysis and performance analysis, our protocol is provable secure and efficient.

2015 - IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

Identity-Based Distributed Provable Data Possession in Multicloud Storage

Remote data integrity checking is of crucial importance in cloud storage. It can make the clients verify whether their outsourced data is kept intact without downloading the whole data. In some application scenarios, the clients have to store their data on multicloud servers. At the same time, the integrity checking protocol must be efficient in order to save the verifier's cost. From the two points, we propose a novel remote data integrity checking model: ID-DPDP (identity-based distributed provable data possession) in multicloud storage. The formal system model and security model are given. Based on the bilinear pairings, a concrete ID-DPDP protocol is designed. The proposed ID-DPDP protocol is provably secure under the hardness assumption of the standard CDH (computational Diffie-Hellman) problem. In addition to the structural advantage of elimination of certificate management, our ID-DPDP protocol is also efficient and flexible. Based on the client's authorization, the proposed ID-DPDP protocol can realize private verification, delegated verification, and public verification.


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