
2015 - Journal of Lightwave Technology

Distance Adaptive Dynamic Routing and Spectrum Allocation in Elastic Optical Networks With Shared Backup Path Protection

This paper considers distance adaptive dynamic routing and spectrum assignment (RSA) for elastic optical networks with shared backup path protection (SBPP). Efficient heuristic algorithms based on spectrum window planes are proposed for implementing distance and modulation format adaptive RSA so as to maximize spare capacity sharing among multiple protection lightpaths. A differentiated sharable frequency slot cost was also defined for the first time to more efficiently share protection resource. Network performance is evaluated in terms of bandwidth blocking probability (BBP) through simulations. The proposed SBPP technique is effective in reducing BBP and improving spectral efficiency compared to conventional SBPP schemes and 1+1 path protection. The impact of transponder tunability on bandwidth blocking performance is also evaluated to show that a limited tuning range is sufficient to achieve a BBP performance close to that with full tunability.

2014 - IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking

Optimal design for shared backup path protected elastic optical networks under single-link failure

This paper considers the network protection technique of shared backup path protection (SBPP) in comparison with 1 + 1 path protection for elastic optical networks. We develop integer linear programming (ILP) models to minimize both the required spare capacity and the maximum number of link frequency slots (FSs) used. We consider transponder tunability that corresponds to the condition of whether or not the same set of FSs is required to be used for both the working and protection lightpaths. We also apply the bandwidth squeezed restoration technique to obtain the maximum restoration levels for the affected service flows, subject to a limited FS capacity on each fiber link. Our studies show that the proposed SBPP technique requires much lower spare capacity compared to the traditional 1 + 1 path protection approach. The flexibility of allowing the working and protection lightpaths to use different sets of FSs (i.e., with full transponder tunability) has the advantage of reducing both the number of FSs needed and the spare capacity redundancy required.


neural network differential equation deep learning convolutional neural network convolutional neural software development deep neural network feature selection open source deep neural optical network learning approach geographic information system distributed generation geographic information stochastic differential equation power allocation open source software stochastic differential deep convolutional neural source software deep convolutional named entity recognition loss function human action space telescope personal area network mental health feature learning wireless personal area elastic optical multi-task learning personal area elastic optical network network reconfiguration wireless personal learning problem hubble space telescope learning task software developer high rate water pressure hubble space doubly stochastic open source tool source software development free and open capacity allocation low rate source software project group lasso path protection sparse learning backup path rate wireles open source gi spare capacity optimal reconfiguration source gi multi-task deep backward doubly stochastic doubly stochastic differential backward doubly big bang-big crunch low rate wireles survivable routing multi-task deep learning guidance sensor bang-big crunch big bang-big multi-task learning approach source software tool deep multi-task deep multi-task learning pose-invariant face high water pressure fine guidance shared backup fine guidance sensor multi-task convolutional neural multi-task learning model source gis software shared backup path multi-task feature bang-big crunch algorithm backup path protection approximating optimal crunch algorithm multi-task learning method software movement multi-task network spare capacity allocation multi-task convolutional multi-task cnn multi-task sparse multi-task feature learning multi-task regression multi-task allocation feature learning algorithm multiple related task multi-task multi-view multi-task learning algorithm soils contaminated